To be released October 4th, 2011, 'The Worker Prince' by Bryan Thomas Schmidt, uses the story of Moses to tell the adventures of Davi Rhii, a child saved from the murder of infants on a slave planet and raised in the palace as a prince.
The plot takes both familiar and unfamiliar twists. Davi finds his birth mother and cousin by accident, when he saves Nila from a solider trying to rape he. He kills the officer and is hunted for murder. Yet, the young prince discovers there is a rebellion that has been planned by the workers and his military training becomes crucial to its success.
There are many faith elements, including the workers belief in one God and their captors belief in many, just like the ancient Egyptians. The back story tells of a previous uprising, quelled by the ruthless leader, who thinks of the slaves as non humans. Although he tried to teach this to Davi, he fails because his sister chose to raise her son with more empathy for others.
Although a bit rough in a few places, the novel is an excellent read and this blogger highly recommends it. It is the first of a trilogy and the development of this story and writer hold much promise. The pace is well done, carries the reader through to the satisfying climax and ending.
Will be coming from the editors of Digital Dragon.