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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Bumper Stickers - Just for fun

Today's blog is just fun. Listed below are a number of bumper stickers the blogger owns. No. Not all are Christian. Some were bought at various Science Fiction conventions.

1. The Big Bang Theory: God spoke and BANG it happened.
2. If you're living like there is no God, You'd Better Be Right!
3. My Boss is a Jewish Carpenter.
4. (Darwin fish being eaten by a Jesus fish) Survival of the Forgiven.
5.Are you making an appointment with St. Peter on that cell phone?
6. Have you hugged your Tiger today?
7. "Normal' is a setting on my washing machine.
8. Welcome to Collinwood.
9. There can be only one!
10. This property protected by Lord Avon.
11. No good deed EVER goes unpunished.
12. Zines! Drugs would be cheaper.
13. Picard/Riker : Leadership for the Next Generation.
14. Picard for President. Make it so! The #1 Choice.
15. Engine by Scotty: 0 to Warp 7 in fifteen seconds!
16.  At Warp Factor 9, they ALL look green to me!
17. There are few problems in the galaxy which cannot be solved by a suitable application of concentrated phaser fire.
18. Odo's Gym. Klingon tested! Get in shape - any shape!
19. You're following a Firefly fan!
20. Dragon Wagon.
21. Keep off my tail or you'll get burned.
22. Dragons love you - dipped in chocolate. (burp)
23. Cat: I must destroy something immediately!
24. Cats humor us because they know that their ancestors ate ours.

Credits : Instant attitudes. Pegasus Publishing. Cafe Press. Mere Dragons. Bridgeport Nature Center. Harbor House Gifts. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sin is Sin

We humans tend to down grade sin. To us, lying is not as bad as adultery which isn't as bad as murdering someone.

Really? How come?

Because we all want to think we're better than someone else.

How does God see it?

The man who murdered his child in cold blood stinks just as much as the person who told the white lie to their spouse.

With God there are no 'degrees' of sinning.

It all stinks to him.

Sin is Sin. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

How God uses Christian writing

One never knows how God uses the fiction we write to save someone's life. Without going into detail, a big name Christian writer recently shared a letter received by a young adult who had read his books. God used his writing to give courage and strength to the young adult resulting in removing two siblings from a bad situation.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Mounting Evidence supporing Biblical stories

Historians have questioned for years many of the stories in the Old Testament saying they were only 'myth and legends'. However, recent discoveries are beginning to vindicate the accounts in the Bible. While what is presented here is not by any means complete, it is a sampling on how modern day archeology is proving the well known records.

1. Was Joseph really in Egypt in the position claimed as Pharaoh's second in command? Recently coins were . discovered baring his image.

2. Did the Israelites really wander the desert for forty years? On a recent special on one of the learning or history channels, the blogger doesn't remember which one, archeologists had found one obscure reference on an wall mentioning the Jewish people. No others have been found.

3. What happened to the Arc of the Covenant? One of the most intriguing mysteries how something so important seemed to vanish overnight. Again, there is a special run regularly on one of the learning or history channels presents the  hypothesis that the arc is being kept in Ethiopia. Now how it got there - that is still being speculated.

These are only a few examples and there are certain to be more as explorations continue and finds are publicly shared.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Modern Day Prophecies

In recent months there have been a number of prophecies, both religious and secular, saying the United States is due for a major economic meltdown. Money will be useless, the government will fall and then with no where to go, everyone will turn to the church who will rise up and take care of people's needs.

Part of this has already been seen with churches stepping in during Hurricane Rita to help survivors. Many have food banks. Others are sponsoring job networking groups. More recently over a thousand volunteers descended on Denver, CO with KLOVE for Sharefest and saved the school district lots of money in upgrades and repairs.

The increase in church or religious involvement in the community is wonderful. Hopefully, there will be more in the future.

However, what makes the prophecies believable and yet not are two factors.

1. Secular economists are saying the US and the entire world is headed for another major collapse. Millions will die and after that happens life will be better for the survivors as they rebuild.

2. The prophets keep making these predictions saying the US is under God's judgement. Yet still they ask for money to buy their books, CD's or DVD's to tell people how to survive and prosper in the horrible days ahead. Really? And they're the ones saying that money will be useless? If that is so, why don't they just give their resources away?

Will these events really come to pass? Or are leaders just preying on peoples fears?

Sources: Various educational & religious channels.