Ring the Bell shows Rob Decker, a successful and driven sports agent who goes to a small Florida town seeking to sign up a promising high school baseball player. He finds a possible secondary prospect but is stunned by their faith and the happiness of their lives - something his is missing.
The movie is beautifully done is filled with guest appearance by Matthew West, Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman and several well known baseball players. A couple of interesting side notes here, Steven wrote his own part and the segment in which Casting Crowns appears was not scripted. These tidbits are in the special features.
This is a great family film and out of five stars - I give it a four and half.
The movie is beautifully done is filled with guest appearance by Matthew West, Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman and several well known baseball players. A couple of interesting side notes here, Steven wrote his own part and the segment in which Casting Crowns appears was not scripted. These tidbits are in the special features.
This is a great family film and out of five stars - I give it a four and half.