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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Time of Trouble

Do you sometimes wonder if God hates you? I know I do.

I'm currently unemployed...again. Searching for a job and at least finding plenty to apply for. Am also searching for a new home since I know that the current one I live in will have to be sold sometime in the next few months.

What's on my plate is ridiculous. Yet, I'm not a complete emotional mess. I've good friends who have been very supportive. What I've been told over and over is that I am very strong.

I don't feel like it at times.

My blessings right now is that I have plenty of money to live on while unemployment plods it way along. I have a roof over my head. I've had many interviews.

I know God has promised to take care of all my needs and my guess is, that I needed a break. My previous job had been all consuming. I got very little else done.

Now, I have time to rest and am beginning to write again. It's what God called me to do. Just proves He's much smarter than we think He is.

God loves me. Even in my time of trouble.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dragons - really that evil?

Are dragons really the evil creatures depicted in the Bible, or was that simply a medieval phobia?

I suspect, given the literature of the day, that dragons were loathsome creatures to the superstitious people, just like werewolves and witches.

Today, there is more and more proof, from correctly translating the Hebrew words in Genesis, that God created dragons and that they lived in the Garden of Eden.

How could these beautiful creatures be considered evil if God created them and had them live in the most perfect place on the planet?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trusting God

Trusting God can be a hard thing when faced with so many troubles at the same time. My own personal struggle right now includes:

My spouse left me and wants a divorce.
My writing career is in the dumps this year.
I lost my job.
I'm facing loosing my home of fifteen years because it has to be sold and the profits split.
The cost of housing is ridiculous.
I don't want to rent an apartment nor live with several room mates. (I want to own my place.)
Living wage jobs are hard to find.
It's coming up on the holidays and finding work during this time of year is extremely difficult.
I'm terrified about having to be on my own again after knowing the security of being with a mate. 
I have no idea what I'm going to do about medical coverage and whether or not I can actually afford it.
I'm getting older and the only jobs employers will normally hire for are low paying service positions or sales.

Yet the Bible promises that God will take care of our needs. I learned this during my many years of being single. He never failed me. I always had a job even if it wasn't the best.

So, here I am, back to square one and having to trust God to supply what I need.
A job.
A home.
And whatever else I need.

Okay, God. You're on!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Esther, a wonderful story

Recently I've been rewatching several movie versions of the Book of Esther. Each has their own jewels depending on how closely they're actually following the Biblical story and others fill in historic tidbits that help explain Haman's hatred of the Jews.

What is really striking about the films is court etiquette and how much Esther's life really was in danger. In 'One Night with the King' this is shown very clearly and the symbolism of her climbing the steps, like she would the temple, is a beautiful touch.

In an earlier version called simply 'Esther', they include the fact she sent clothes to her uncle when she heard he was in mourning, which he refused, and she did the three day fasting along with the other Jews before she went to the king.

The more recent movie, again called simply 'Esther', is a sweet story, but we miss much of the drama of what really was going on in Persia.

My reason for rewatching these films is not only is it one of my favorite Bible stories, but I am also working on my own series using some of the dramatic elements but set in another solar system.

Esther is a wonderful story showing the planning of God and putting a woman in a position to save her people. My only question is, what happened to the queen afterwards? 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Careful what you ask for

Be careful what you tell God you want because He may not give it to you in the way you had in mind.

Recently, due to many changes in my life, I told God I wanted to double my wages. What I really had in mind was to continue to work my current job while I looked for another one. Most of us figured we'd be gone by April 1st anyway due to the close of open enrollment.

What actually happened was that I was let go yesterday for a making a mistake that I wasn't even aware was one. Where the employer was a fault was not allowing me to learn from it. Instead, they took the extreme approach.

My reaction, the first thing I did was come home and talk to another former employee of the same company who gave me a job lead. Granted, it's a temp job.

What I also did was call a company who listed an opening and sent my resume off to another.

I've been unemployed often during the past few years due to the economy. The biggest mistake I kept making was underestimating myself. This time, I'm looking at different opportunities since I know the life style I would like to live and am tired of low paying, dead end jobs.

The next few weeks is going to an interesting journey.