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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Poem

A Christmas Alphabet

A is for Animals who shared the stable.
B is for the Babe with their manger for cradle.
C is for the Carols so blithe and so gay.
D for December, the twenty-fifth day.
E for the Eve when we're all so excited.
F for the Fun when the tree's at last lighted.
G is the Goose which you know is fat.
H for the Holly you stick in your hat.
I for the Ive that clings to the wall.
J is for Jesus, the cause of it all.
K for the Kindness begot by this feast.
L is the Light shining way in the east.
M for the Mistletoe, all green and white.
N for the Noels we sing Christmas night.
O for the Oxen, the first to adore Him.
P for the Presents Wise Men laid before Him.
Q for the Queerness that this should have been
     Near two thousand years before you were seen.
R for the Reindeer leaping the roofs.
S for the Stockings that Santa Claus stuffs.
T for the Toys, the Tinsel, the Tree.
U is for Us - the whole family.
V is for Visitors bringing us cheer.
W is Welcome to the happy New Year.
X Y Z bother me! All I can say,
     Is this the end of my Christmas lay.
     So now to you all, wherever you be,
     A merry, merry Christmas, and many may you see!

Author Unknown

From Christmas Poems, Stories and Carols
Random House Value Publishing Inc., 1995.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Jews are still God's chosen ones

There seem to be many mind sets in the Christian world. The first seems to think that the Jewish people no longer have a place in God's plan and so they should be ignored. The second is those who think that studying the Jewish faith is an excellent way to better understand Christianity.  Others are called to reach out to their Jewish brothers and sisters, pray for them, and reach out to share Jesus with them.

For those who seem to think they Jewish people should be ignored, have not been reading the events which will lead up to the return of Christ. God is NOT done with his chosen people yet. The stage is even now being set for those end events to come to pass.

Those who believe understanding the Jewish faith as a better way to enrich their Christian walk - are totally correct. There are many passages in the New Testament that will come alive when the full richness of culture and faith are revealed.

Lastly, a huge huzzah for those who are reaching out and sharing Christ. God didn't intend for only Gentiles to have Christ, but for His people as well. Remember, Christianity started first with the Jews, then spread to the Gentiles and the rest of the world.

Keep praying for Israel. For those who support God's people will be blessed.

And keep an eye on the sky, listen for the trumpet and shout, and be ready, as events began to unfold for Christ's return.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God Answers Prayer

God answers prayer when you least expect. Recently, I had started a job that I knew, on day two, it wasn't the place for me to be. However, I stuck it out despite having to get up at 4 AM, driving an hour away a bit more in snow, very little money and not being awake in training.

The same day as I started this position, I interviewed for another, which would be a better fit for me. Almost a week later I was called and offered the position. I accepted.

During the days of the job I didn't want, I told God I was thankful for it, would follow His will, and tried my best not to complain. Hard to do when every early morning I'm up I tell myself I can't go on even as I dragged myself out of bed.

The saddest part was telling my trainer I was leaving. He was disappointed. He could see my potential and counted the company lucky to have me. (Unlike my previous job, but I won't go there.)

In a week and half I start training for my new job. I'm excited because I can see all sorts of possibilities as far as a working future is concerned.

It was a good move for me and I'm thankful God opened the door.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

God's Plans

God sometimes tell us things or maybe I should say reveals part of His plan for our lives when we least expect it. Who would have thought that one of the biggest events of my future life, which I still don't have permission to share, would come during a meeting with my local writing group?

While I'm excited, I'm also scared. Why? Because I personally don't think I'm ready.

However, the Lord of the Heavens must think differently.

What a wonderful adventure it is going to be!