Recently I watched the Christian Science Fiction film, The Watchers, Revelation. It follows the adventures of two families as they encounter 'Aliens', the government's knowledge of these beings, and the final outcome.
Spoiler alert. I do talk about some of the scenes in the film.
My reaction was, great, here's another film depicting aliens as demons. Sure enough, that was exactly what happened. The only interesting twists was that the demons were supposedly 'helping' mankind by supplying information about advanced technology. It was a repeat of what happened in Genesis and the sons of god who mated with human females. Only problem was, the demons who caused that particular disaster where thrown into a special place in hell where they'll stay until the final judgement. One assumes it was to keep them from doing the same thing again.
Second, bad acting. The only decent characters was the 'leader' of the aliens and the little girl.
There were some good moments. The explanation of supposed UFO's with their erratic movements that defy physics. The idea it could be angels flying makes much more sense rather than advances in technology we don't yet understand.
True creative inspiration comes from God. The little girl's creation of a holographic computer monitor for a science fair project.
Great representation that science compliments God's word, not destroys it nor replaces it.
Solid family values. The relationship between the uncle and his nephew is shown to be warm, despite a long separation and the mother being protect of of her child.
Government knowledge of these beings. Believe it or not, the US Gov has a contingency plan for alien invasion. One wonders how much our leaders actually know about the spiritual side and are mistaking them for X-tees. (They don't have one for a potential ice age, which is much more likely to happen since is has in the recent past. 1400-1500 to 1850. It was called the little ice age.)
Nice examples of angels, both fallen and those still serving God. The sword fight over the little girl with flaming swords is probably one of the best scenes.
Over all reaction, good for one viewing only. Not something I'd make of a point of watching very often. Happy I only paid $5 for it.