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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

'Why Not Question' : Patience

Evie: 'Patience is a virtue.'
Rick: 'Not right now it isn't.'

The two above lines from 'The Mummy' shows an example of the conflict in today's culture. There are those who understand that waiting patiently for something is far more valuable than those who think they want what they want 'right now'.

Granted, the characters were in mortal danger at the time with the mummy and his followers bearing down on them. However, Evie figured out the vital clue that ultimately saved all their lives.

Being patient about a dream or desire, is far more rewarding than running out and grabbing what a person wants.

Consequences seen in our culture right now are bankruptcies in record numbers due to credit card purchases of items wanted and the inability to pay for them.

Massive foreclosures and people losing their homes, often houses that were far too expensive for them in the first place. Granted, some of these were caused by the greed of lender and other financial disasters like losing a job or medical bills.

Not living on a budget and within the person's means.

Those who are more patient have done things like buy a new home and being able to pay it off.

Pay cash for everything.

Price items wanted and wait until they can afford them.

Pay off credit card balances every month so there's no finance charge.

Find the right mate rather than settling.

Find the right job rather than a series of 'survival' positions.

Patience is also a fruit of the spirit and is wonderful thing to have. It also helps the believer wait on God's timing, rather than rushing out and making a huge mistake that could cost a high price in the end.

Patience - has it's reward. Be patient and wait on the Lord.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

'Why Not Question' : Movie Review - 'Time Changer'

In honor of AnomalyCon, the local Steampunk convention, this weeks blog will be about the Christian movie 'Time Changer'.

'Time Changer' is film about a Victorian professor who can freely teach Godly beliefs in the classroom and is sent one hundred years into the future. What he discovers is that God has been pulled from the public classrooms and church has become about social activities.

Although a bit preachy at times, 'Time Changer' is a wonderful attempt at Christian Steampunk, a very hot genre in Science Fiction right now. It is fun and shows the difficulty of a Victorian era man trying to cope with modern day and the change it has on his life upon returning to his own time.

Recommended for fans of Steampunk who want to see an example on how to use their faith in this exciting new genre.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

'Why Not Question' : Book Review - 'The Act of Marriage after 40' by TIm & Beveryly LaHaye

'The Act of Marriage After 40' is a must read for couples. It is a frank, honest approach to sex and the problems that can occur with the changes his/her body goes through. It is also a lesson of loving your partner, whether or not sex is a part of your relationship.

Some examples of things shared:

Before he turned fifty, hubby learned there are better ways to set the mood for intimacy than begging, pouting, or negotiating. (p. 80)

You're not too proud to admit being exhausted three-quarters of the way through. (p. 80)

It even covers 'in sickness and in health'. 'Accepting you spouses disability in the sexual arena will take time. You may have feelings of resentment, flashes of anger, waves of grief, and bouts of depression. Your disabled spouse is experiencing all these emotions times ten.' (p. 149)

Praise for the writer daring to address this problem and offering solutions that don't include divorcing your mate and finding someone else. Not to mention giving an example of a couple who were married over thirty years, never had sex, but had a close loving relationship.

Issues such as ED and oral sex are discussed openly and frankly as are other topics too numerous to cover in this blog.

Loving your partner physically is an important part of the marriage relationship and knowing how to do so, no matter the circumstances, makes this book a winner.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

'Why Not Question' : Today's problems

Life is full of disappointments and sometimes we think God is just plain crazy.

For instance, we land a job we really don't want and can't understand why we're wasting time doing something that is so far below our talent level we dread getting up in the morning. However, there might be one incident that makes it worth while and we hope God does something good with it like He promises.

Life, particularly today, if very unpredictable. Jobs are scare. Finances are tight. People are losing their homes and living in their cars or in the streets. Employers are picky and unreasonable.

How can we, as Christians, shine in a place so full of hopeless and need?

Yes, some churches are providing food banks. Others have stepped in to help those struck by tragedy. Many did so during Katrina, Rita and the tornado outbreak of 2011.

Yet, as individuals we are overwhelmed. Many of us are no better off in this time of trouble.

Is there an answer?

We can only hold on to God and pray He provides for our needs.