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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Movie Review - Revelation Road

Released a couple of weeks ago, 'Revelation Road' is another fine example of Christian films growing up by being both entertaining and yet faith filled at the same time. While the bikers as the bad guys is cliche', the conflict between the leader and his unwanted daughter is tense and makes the viewer wonder what happened between them.

The story centers around a salesman selling bullet proof jackets who saves the life of a store owner and his granddaughter when the bikers attack and try to rob/murder them. It strands him in the town while he's trying to get home to his wife and child. The bikers go after him seeking revenge and just when all seems lost - the impossible happens.

What is very unique about this film is the different way the rapture was filmed. It definitely shows the mortal taking on immortality and what is left behind is NOT the expected empty clothes. Another sweet tidbit is the surprise appearance of an actor who saves the granddaughter and whispers God's plan to her. For those who know the actor from his work, there is no doubt exactly who he is protraying.

'Revelation Road' is the first in what is going to be a series. The blogger can't wait until it's released.

Next week 'The Bible Miniseries' will be continued. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Review - The Bible Miniseries Part 3

While the audience anticipated the continuation of the previous weeks story, instead of beginning with King Solomon, the story jumped ahead several hundred years. The prophet Jeremiah tells the current king that the city will fall to the Babylonian Ruler. Once again, the Jews are led into captivity and forced under the yoke of a foreign and pagan leader.

Once in Babylon, Daniel rises to power and interrupts the king's prophetic dream. The unfortunate part is that the entire dream was not covered, just the golden head. The audience got to see the familiar story of the three tossed into the inferno and rescued by an angel as well as Daniel in the lions den. It also showed how the king went insane.

In the end, they returned home. The best part of this segment was the beautiful customs. The worst part was the bloody violence, the killing of the Israelite king's sons and the hint of Jewish people eating each other during the siege.

Skip forward five hundred years to a small village in Galilee. Enter Mary and Joseph. While correctly shown they were each told by an angel about the events unfolding, incorrectly shown was 'where' they were informed.

The gross part of this segment was King Herod, particularly the leech scene, which could have been deleted and no one would have missed it.

Continue to the traditional birth scene with the shepherds, the three wise men and the huge star in the sky. Missed, the heavenly chorus in the fields.

Historically, and this has been proven, there were actually a number of planetary conjunctions and no huge bright star in the night sky. The Romans were very excited about it and thought it predicted their own current leader. Also, NO WHERE in the Bible does it say there were only three wise men. Three gifts, yes. It is more than likely, given the time, that there were a number of magi who traveled to see the new born king and huge caravan. Also, the Bible very clearly says Mary and Joseph were in a house. Not a stable.

Fast forward to John the Baptist. He's in the river and we have the famous scene depicted in the Bible. Missed, the dove descending and God saying, 'This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.'

Forty days in the desert, the temptation by the devil, which was beautifully done. What is missed here by most, even when they read it, is that Jesus really did have a choice. He knew what would happen to him and he could have said, 'No way.' Instead, he rebukes the evil one and begins his ministry.

Next scene, in the boat with Peter fishing, with so many fish the poor fishermen doesn't know what to do. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Review : The Bible Miniseries - Part 2

Beginning with Joshua and the fall of Jerico and ending with the birth of King Solomon, the next segment of 'The Bible' is, once again a mixed bag.

The spies meeting and threatening Rahab and her family, then offering to spare them from the coming attack, did not in any way ring true with Biblical events. In fact, an old Science Fiction TV show called 'The Time Tunnel' showed the same incident much better. The best part of the snippet was the blowing of the horns, the mighty shouts and the crumbling of the walls.

Next up was the story of Samson. It had a lovely beginning but quickly went down hill. Showing him married to a Philistine woman and then having her killed as motivation for killing Israel's enemies, did not ring true. This was a bloody and violent segment. At the end, what happened was true, with Samson knocking down the pillars and killing thousands, but 'when' it occurred was incorrectly shown. He was their prisoner for several years and his hair had begun to grow back. It did not happen just after they captured him.

Entire Samuel and the people demanding a king. The prophet anoints King Saul who disobeys God's command to slay everyone and everything belonging to the enemy. The leader looses God's favor and David is anointed to be the next king. While the jealousy part rings true and chasing David through the hills and caves, some of the incidents shown are not any where in the Bible. Saul is killed in battle and David becomes king.

Oh, and the most famous scene with David and Goliath is included as is the King dancing through the streets when they bring the arc into the city. Him dancing with Bathsheba however, is not shown in the Bible.

David takes Jerusalem and the part where they go through the sewers is marvelous. It becomes his capital. What did not ring true was his friendship with Uriah, whose wife, Bathsheba, David later takes as his lover and then his wife, after he kills the soldier. It shows the low moment for the king and the best part was his pleading before God to spare the life of his child.

It ends with the David and Bathsheba and their young son Solomon, whom David knows will build the temple of God.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Review : The Bible Miniseries - Part 1

It was with great anticipation that I watched the first installment of The Bible on the History Channel. The story of Adam & Eve and Noah were briefly touched upon. The scenes with the ark plunging through the waves was impressive. Abraham, Sarah and the angle with Hagar was covered in great depth, the near sacrifice of Issac, the emphasis being on the promise of Abram's descendents being numerous as the stars. Sodom's fiery destruction was well done and so was the scene with the two battling angels. It was an unexpected bit of spice, complete with armor and swords with one black angel and one Oriental.

Next up was the story of Moses and his rivalry with the Egyptian pharaoh. The burning bush was impressive but I found it disappointing they made no mention of Moses' wife. Up next was the ten plagues, hurried through and the final release of God's people after the death of the ruler's first born. Stopping at the edge of the Red Sea, the army in pursuit, the parting of the waters was impressive. However, I questions the fact they got wet at all since the Bible says they cross on dry land and there was tons of spray in the air. On the other side, the waters drowned their captor's army and pharaoh was left beaten.

The story left off with the passing of power to Joshua and the two spies sneaking into Jericho and the introduction of Rahab.

Although not the way I personally would have presented the stories, this version is a wonderful attempt to make the Bible available to the masses and I praise the producers, Roma Downey and her husband.