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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Poem

A Christmas Alphabet

A is for Animals who shared the stable.
B is for the Babe with their manger for cradle.
C is for the Carols so blithe and so gay.
D for December, the twenty-fifth day.
E for the Eve when we're all so excited.
F for the Fun when the tree's at last lighted.
G is the Goose which you know is fat.
H for the Holly you stick in your hat.
I for the Ive that clings to the wall.
J is for Jesus, the cause of it all.
K for the Kindness begot by this feast.
L is the Light shining way in the east.
M for the Mistletoe, all green and white.
N for the Noels we sing Christmas night.
O for the Oxen, the first to adore Him.
P for the Presents Wise Men laid before Him.
Q for the Queerness that this should have been
     Near two thousand years before you were seen.
R for the Reindeer leaping the roofs.
S for the Stockings that Santa Claus stuffs.
T for the Toys, the Tinsel, the Tree.
U is for Us - the whole family.
V is for Visitors bringing us cheer.
W is Welcome to the happy New Year.
X Y Z bother me! All I can say,
     Is this the end of my Christmas lay.
     So now to you all, wherever you be,
     A merry, merry Christmas, and many may you see!

Author Unknown

From Christmas Poems, Stories and Carols
Random House Value Publishing Inc., 1995.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Jews are still God's chosen ones

There seem to be many mind sets in the Christian world. The first seems to think that the Jewish people no longer have a place in God's plan and so they should be ignored. The second is those who think that studying the Jewish faith is an excellent way to better understand Christianity.  Others are called to reach out to their Jewish brothers and sisters, pray for them, and reach out to share Jesus with them.

For those who seem to think they Jewish people should be ignored, have not been reading the events which will lead up to the return of Christ. God is NOT done with his chosen people yet. The stage is even now being set for those end events to come to pass.

Those who believe understanding the Jewish faith as a better way to enrich their Christian walk - are totally correct. There are many passages in the New Testament that will come alive when the full richness of culture and faith are revealed.

Lastly, a huge huzzah for those who are reaching out and sharing Christ. God didn't intend for only Gentiles to have Christ, but for His people as well. Remember, Christianity started first with the Jews, then spread to the Gentiles and the rest of the world.

Keep praying for Israel. For those who support God's people will be blessed.

And keep an eye on the sky, listen for the trumpet and shout, and be ready, as events began to unfold for Christ's return.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

God Answers Prayer

God answers prayer when you least expect. Recently, I had started a job that I knew, on day two, it wasn't the place for me to be. However, I stuck it out despite having to get up at 4 AM, driving an hour away a bit more in snow, very little money and not being awake in training.

The same day as I started this position, I interviewed for another, which would be a better fit for me. Almost a week later I was called and offered the position. I accepted.

During the days of the job I didn't want, I told God I was thankful for it, would follow His will, and tried my best not to complain. Hard to do when every early morning I'm up I tell myself I can't go on even as I dragged myself out of bed.

The saddest part was telling my trainer I was leaving. He was disappointed. He could see my potential and counted the company lucky to have me. (Unlike my previous job, but I won't go there.)

In a week and half I start training for my new job. I'm excited because I can see all sorts of possibilities as far as a working future is concerned.

It was a good move for me and I'm thankful God opened the door.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

God's Plans

God sometimes tell us things or maybe I should say reveals part of His plan for our lives when we least expect it. Who would have thought that one of the biggest events of my future life, which I still don't have permission to share, would come during a meeting with my local writing group?

While I'm excited, I'm also scared. Why? Because I personally don't think I'm ready.

However, the Lord of the Heavens must think differently.

What a wonderful adventure it is going to be!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Same ole, Same ole

Yet again, an add has arrived in the mail from a local Christian store. Disappointing is that the same old books, DVDs and CDs are featured. Nothing new. Does this mean that no new creative projects are coming from various artists, film makers and writers? Or is it simply that there is so much back stock this is the only way to get rid of the inventory?

Difficult to say. With the holidays coming up, one would hope for newer items to give as gifts to friends and family.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christmas - The birth of Jesus or something else

Christmas is coming. Are you ready for it? Ready for the family dinners, the twinkling tree, and the exchanging of gifts? Or are the images you carry overcrowded stores, angry/rude people and Black Friday Madness?

Our culture has the made the holiday into the most popular toys, latest electronic gadgets and companies watching the ka-ching of their cash registers.

Churches have made it about pageants, musical choirs and nativity scenes complete with a huge star.

The solstice is celebrated by others with the drumming up of the sun. 

Question is, what is Christmas really about? Given the various examples it would depend on whom you asked.

Our modern Christmas trees come from German tradition.

The giving of gifts DID NOT originate with the gifts the magi gave to the Christ child. It comes from the presenting of gifts to a pagan god during the Solstice. It was adapted and changed by the Catholic church.

Fact. It is too cold in the middle east for sheep to be out grazing during December. It is more likely, or so it is speculated, that Jesus was born sometime in September.

The huge star was actually a series of planetary conjunctions noted by many cultures. The Jewish people did not watch the heavens and therefore didn't know what was going on. Another reason Herod had no idea what the magi were talking about. Not to mention Mary and Joseph were living in a house when the gifts were presented. Not the stable as is commonly shown.

The story of the birth of Jesus has had a great deal of mythology added to it. Not to mention at no point does Peter, Paul or any of the followers of Christ say we should make a holiday out of our savior's birth.

So what is Christmas really? Should it really be a celebrated holiday or is it simply a tradition that is a mix of many cultures with roots no one really wants to look at? And what will it morph into in the future?

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Enjoy life

Thought for the week.

This is a day that the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in it.

Every day we have a gift. Make the most of it. Enjoy life.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Time of Trouble

Do you sometimes wonder if God hates you? I know I do.

I'm currently unemployed...again. Searching for a job and at least finding plenty to apply for. Am also searching for a new home since I know that the current one I live in will have to be sold sometime in the next few months.

What's on my plate is ridiculous. Yet, I'm not a complete emotional mess. I've good friends who have been very supportive. What I've been told over and over is that I am very strong.

I don't feel like it at times.

My blessings right now is that I have plenty of money to live on while unemployment plods it way along. I have a roof over my head. I've had many interviews.

I know God has promised to take care of all my needs and my guess is, that I needed a break. My previous job had been all consuming. I got very little else done.

Now, I have time to rest and am beginning to write again. It's what God called me to do. Just proves He's much smarter than we think He is.

God loves me. Even in my time of trouble.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dragons - really that evil?

Are dragons really the evil creatures depicted in the Bible, or was that simply a medieval phobia?

I suspect, given the literature of the day, that dragons were loathsome creatures to the superstitious people, just like werewolves and witches.

Today, there is more and more proof, from correctly translating the Hebrew words in Genesis, that God created dragons and that they lived in the Garden of Eden.

How could these beautiful creatures be considered evil if God created them and had them live in the most perfect place on the planet?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trusting God

Trusting God can be a hard thing when faced with so many troubles at the same time. My own personal struggle right now includes:

My spouse left me and wants a divorce.
My writing career is in the dumps this year.
I lost my job.
I'm facing loosing my home of fifteen years because it has to be sold and the profits split.
The cost of housing is ridiculous.
I don't want to rent an apartment nor live with several room mates. (I want to own my place.)
Living wage jobs are hard to find.
It's coming up on the holidays and finding work during this time of year is extremely difficult.
I'm terrified about having to be on my own again after knowing the security of being with a mate. 
I have no idea what I'm going to do about medical coverage and whether or not I can actually afford it.
I'm getting older and the only jobs employers will normally hire for are low paying service positions or sales.

Yet the Bible promises that God will take care of our needs. I learned this during my many years of being single. He never failed me. I always had a job even if it wasn't the best.

So, here I am, back to square one and having to trust God to supply what I need.
A job.
A home.
And whatever else I need.

Okay, God. You're on!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Esther, a wonderful story

Recently I've been rewatching several movie versions of the Book of Esther. Each has their own jewels depending on how closely they're actually following the Biblical story and others fill in historic tidbits that help explain Haman's hatred of the Jews.

What is really striking about the films is court etiquette and how much Esther's life really was in danger. In 'One Night with the King' this is shown very clearly and the symbolism of her climbing the steps, like she would the temple, is a beautiful touch.

In an earlier version called simply 'Esther', they include the fact she sent clothes to her uncle when she heard he was in mourning, which he refused, and she did the three day fasting along with the other Jews before she went to the king.

The more recent movie, again called simply 'Esther', is a sweet story, but we miss much of the drama of what really was going on in Persia.

My reason for rewatching these films is not only is it one of my favorite Bible stories, but I am also working on my own series using some of the dramatic elements but set in another solar system.

Esther is a wonderful story showing the planning of God and putting a woman in a position to save her people. My only question is, what happened to the queen afterwards? 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Careful what you ask for

Be careful what you tell God you want because He may not give it to you in the way you had in mind.

Recently, due to many changes in my life, I told God I wanted to double my wages. What I really had in mind was to continue to work my current job while I looked for another one. Most of us figured we'd be gone by April 1st anyway due to the close of open enrollment.

What actually happened was that I was let go yesterday for a making a mistake that I wasn't even aware was one. Where the employer was a fault was not allowing me to learn from it. Instead, they took the extreme approach.

My reaction, the first thing I did was come home and talk to another former employee of the same company who gave me a job lead. Granted, it's a temp job.

What I also did was call a company who listed an opening and sent my resume off to another.

I've been unemployed often during the past few years due to the economy. The biggest mistake I kept making was underestimating myself. This time, I'm looking at different opportunities since I know the life style I would like to live and am tired of low paying, dead end jobs.

The next few weeks is going to an interesting journey.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Who goes before us...

Micah 2:13 NIV

One who breaks open the way will go up before them;
they will break through the gate and go out.
Their king will pass through before them,
the Lord at their head.

I know who goes before me,
I know who stands behind,
the God of Angel armies
is always by my side.
( Chorus of a popular song played on KLOVE)

 This verse and chorus are full of promise. We, as children of God, need to remember who we are in Christ and that our heavenly Father opens doors, sometimes breaking them down, for us to go through. We have only to ask, then step aside and allow God to do his work.

Not easy. But often worth the wait.

So if you're waiting for a job, a home, a spouse, a child, God has not forgotten you. He is leading the way. Take heart in His promise.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Where has the US failed its men?

There's an epidemic in the United States that isn't even passing over Christian men. It's obvious everywhere if you talk to the women. In the place where the blogger works, most are single moms working to support themselves and their children on salaries that are barely above poverty level and often having to take their former spouses back to court time and again to get the financial support they were promised.

Problem is, this epidemic is not confined to nonbelievers. Even Christian men are leaving their wives despite what the church teaches about marriage. They are all moving on to other relationships, new spouses, moving back in with their parents or setting up bachelor pads.

Where is this country failing its men? What has happened to committing to a relationship and staying in it, even when everything goes bad? Or did the men only get married to be with their wives in the good times? How can it be that when times are hard, these men run for the hills rather than standing beside their mate and battling it together? Or have the courts just made it too easy for men to tuck their tails and run?

The Bible instructs men to stay with their wife from their youth, so it can be speculated that this has been a problem for centuries. Do men have some natural instinct to dump on older woman and move on to a younger one?

Unfortunately there are more questions than answers. Perhaps the churches need to stop concentrating on making money to build a larger building and concentrate on teaching men to stay with their wives and children. This would be a far more fruitful use of their time.

Yes, it's good to have divorce recovery groups. Yet, in these groups, folks need to be taught how to weather the storms of life and stay together since many of them do remarry and get divorced a second time.

'Where are you men of courage?' Courageous. Yes, where are these men of courage? I think they all need to take a forty day journey and take the love dare. Fireproof. Maybe then they can battle the giants of fear and defeat in their lives. Facing the Giants. And do the right thing. Flywheel.

(If you don't know the movie references, I highly suggest all four of these Christian films.)


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

End Dayers Theorists

This week's guest on Sid Roth is yet another 'End Days' theorist. His speculations are similar to the UFO chasers and their theories that Area 51 is being used to test alien technology. Some of the early pictures in magazines that are no longer printed actually showed pictures of the bomber that won the first Gulf war, yet they swore it was an alien spacecraft.

Unfortunately, it seems the Christian world must also have its conspiracy theorists and all of it falls under 'end days' prophecy. The odd thing is, even in Paul's day, they thought they lived in the end times. It is all through the New Testament writings.

Unfortunately, there have been too many guests on Sid Roth spouting pretty much the same things. World bankers will, by 2018, have introduced a one world currency. The US was founded on pagan not Biblical principles. The Free Masons were all part of it and intended to build a New Atlantis.
These ideas are all similar to the teachings of Edgar Cayce (sp), an occult leader of many years back and deserve about as much credibility. 

The Bible clearly says we do not the day or the time. Only to redeem the days for they are evil.

Not to mention that each of these so called 'experts' keep quoting, in the days of Noah...yet they never actually complete the entire verse. They go off on these wild goose chasers claiming that there will be human/animal half breeds or that UFOs will land, filled with demons, and interbreed with the human race.

However, the rest of the verse simply says that as in the days of Noah, life will pretty much be normal with people marrying like they do all the time.

Sorry, but these speculations are wild fantasy and deserve about as much credit as those folks who chase ghosts or UFOs, which don't actually exist either.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Vantage Point

God's plans for our lives is much like the movie 'Vantage Point'. The complete story will not come together until the final climax to see how the all the puzzle pieces fit together.

If you've not seen the film, it is highly recommended. The blogger just saw the allegory and decided to use it.

The main character, the secret service agent or the child of God.

The event, a summit with all the nations of the world. Any major cross road of a Christian's life.

All the other story lines filling in the details - all the people whose lives the Christian meets.

The final climax, the return of Christ and the rewards in heaven. Plus, finally understanding whose lives were touched, who made it to heaven because of it and the rewards handed out.

God's final secret revealed in all those seemingly meaningless interchanges, or dead end jobs, or ended relationships, friendships, deaths....

Quite a vantage point our heavenly Father has, huh?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Fear and Adoption

Several years ago,  a local church took the verse telling them to care for orphans to heart. They got in contact with the appropriate sources and educated people on the adoption process. Before they even completed the initial training, children in the system began calling their social workers and asking to be placed with these families.

Really makes one wonder why Americans keep saying it is difficult to adopt in the states. There are many children available and who need a home. Yet, many keep going outside the US to find children.

Maybe the real problem is that the social services systems has a stigma against it. Everyone seems to think that the children in foster homes are all 'damaged goods'. Yet, who knows how they could bloom if parents would take them in and love them.

There are too many instances of children who are raised by their own parents, who were loved, and well cared for, yet despite being a biological child, he/she became an unmanageable monster.

Really? And potential parents are afraid of children being cared for by social services?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Appearances Vs Heart

It is interesting that the Bible continually says that God looks at the heart - not outward appearance. Yet, American society worships youth and beauty and have turned both into something very ugly.

Older Americans are thrown to the wayside and employers will only look at them for commission sales jobs and low paying service positions.

Inexperienced young people are placed in good paying jobs and promoted over older workers.

Ugly women are made fun of - even if their hearts are golden.

Men chase young things and the very rich have 'trophy' wives who are often selfish and only concerned with 'how' they look. When they loose their appeal, the wife is cast aside and replaced with yet another 'young' thing.

Most romance novels feature younger characters in their twenties and thirties.

Most movies and TV shows feature youthful and attractive actors.

Oddly enough, one of the most successful TV shows, Murder She Wrote, starred an older actress and featured many of the oldie stars.

With an aging population, it seems odd that the emphasis is allowed to stay on the young. The older generation has learned much and many still believe in God. Their knowledge should be shared, not tossed aside like an oily rag.

Good thing God does look at the heart and not the outside. How many of us wouldn't make the grade?

A great example of this is in the New Testament, when the pharisee made a huge example of his extravagant prayer and exhibition, while the true sinner when quietly to God and confessed his sin.

Which one did Christ say was the truth? The one who quietly went to God.

America has a lot to learn by this example.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dark Times

All of us have dark times in our lives. We question God and wonder what in the world He's doing. Or why he's putting us through these circumstances. Or we scream, if You really loved me, You wouldn't do this to me!

Yet the Bible tells us that we will go through hard times. That we should rejoice and praise God in those dark times.

Easier said then done because our human nature likes it best when things are going well for us and we don't have to worry about anything.

Life is hard and at times, very messy.

Still, we through our sorrow, or angry or anguish, we still need to praise God. It will carry us through no matter how illogical it seems. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


 Psalm 32:11 (KJV)
Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous: and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart.

 When was the last time you were glad or shouted for joy?

Or are too concerned about the economy? What the politicians are doing in DC? Or even what to make for dinner tonight.

Stop what you're doing. Go outside. Shout to the Lord! Be thankful for all the blessings He's given you. Worship him like your savior and king were standing right in front of you. Lift your hands to the heavens, or dance, or stand in silence with tears running down your face.

Just 'be' in God's presence and rejoice.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


When most think of idols, images of Buddha come to mind or shrines, grottos with the Virgin Mary or other figures. They're found in homes, on properties and churches.

Yet, idols can be other things as well. The current popular singer, TV or movie star. Money. Your job or spouse, or anything that takes the place of God in your heart.

The Bible tells us we should have no other gods before God. The love of money is the root of all evil. Where your treasure is so is your heart.

Modern day Christians get as caught up in this as unbelievers do.

Are there idols in your life?

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Different Perspective on 'As the days Noah were'

There is a popular thinking among a few last dayers that the days shall be like Noah's and that the 'sons of heaven' shall once again come to Earth, bring many secrets with them and the whole world shall be deceived.

However, Matthew 24: 37-39 (KJV) it says:
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark.
And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

Notice what Jesus said. He didn't say the 'sons of heaven' shall return and do what they did before. In fact, those particular demons are locked away until the day of judgement.

2 Peter 2: 4-5 (KJV)
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgement;
And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly. 

Notice those particular angels, the ones who interbreed with humanity, were cast down into hell and chained up until the day of judgement. They will not be free to do what they did before.

What it really looks like is that life will seem normal. People will be going on with their daily lives and then, bam! Christ returns for his church.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Rain only? How deep?

In Sunday School most are taught that God caused the great flood by forty days and nights of rain. Yet, in Genesis 7:11 (KJV) it says, after it tells Noah's age...the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Fountains of the great deep broken up  - literally means the springs of main sea or subterranean water supply was burst or ripped open and the windows (literally) of the moving clouds opened.

Vs 12 (KJV) And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.

Before this time, the earth was watered through a dew or mist only. Rain did not exist. So you can imagine the shock of everyone when it rained, not to mention the sea or the springs bursting forth under the ground.

It also says the water was 15 cubits.  (vs 20). Roughly speaking in today's terms that would be around 19 feet. If humans were only living in one part of the world, then conceivably, it would have wiped out every living thing.

It took several months for the waters to abate and for there to be dry land again.

Question is, did this flood happen world wide? Or was it isolated to one area only?

Considering the number of stories worldwide about a flood, one would give credence to this event. It would have been easy to pass it down from generation to the next, changing it as happens in folklore and legends. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Genetic manipulation in Genesis?

I was watching Sid Roth one evening and two of his guests suggested that not only did the 'sons of God' mate with human females, but there was also genetic manipulation of animals.

In Genesis 7:2 (KJV) God commands Noah -

Of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens, the male and his female; and of beasts that are not clean by two, the male and his female.

The word clean is tahor. It means pure in a physical, chemical, ceremonial or moral sense. Related to taher - implied to be pure, physical-sound, clear, unadulterated. Levit. uncontaminated. morally - innocent or holy. clean, purge, purify.

Most importantly here, it must be noted that in the time of Noah, the Law did not yet exist, so no animals were considered unclean.

So why then did God command Noah to take clean beasts by sevens and unclean beasts only by twos? A bigger question is if the world, the evil of it, caused God to want to destroy it, why would He even allow the unclean beasts to survive? Wouldn't it have been better to allow the creatures altered from the way they were created to die and keep only those that were clean or unchanged?

All very interesting questions to which we have no real answers.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Movie Review - Esther

Film makers seem to have a fascination with the book of Esther and making a film about it. This version is bit more low budget than One Night with the King, but tells the basic story well enough. The bit of spice in this one is the addition of a family friend named Judith and having the bad guy have a daughter in competition with Esther.

Our of five stars, this one is about a three.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Movie Review - Brother White

Brother White is a light hearted comedy about a children's pastor who is keeps making mistakes and is reassigned to a struggling sister church. While he is delighted, not all of his family is due to the questionable location of the building. To make matters worse, a banker is trying to foreclose on the property.

This movie is delightful and full of touching moments. Not to mention an absolutely wonderful concert at the end. This film is upbeat, positive and recommended for family viewing.

Out of five stars, this film rates a three and half.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Movie Review : The Freedom of Silence

In a future America Christianity is outlawed. Zach is imprisoned for his beliefs. He is tortured. He is killed and brought back. He is committed to his cause.

The Freedom of Silence is an interesting attempt to make a futuristic film predicting what could happen, and has in many countries. The torture scenes are haunting. The back story is told in flashbacks as you learn about Zach, his beliefs, his family, his house church and his friends. The biggest mystery is what causes him to end up in prison.

While the blogger appreciates the message in the film, there were points when the blogger was tempted to just turn it off and stop watching. Not to mention how glad the blogger was for only paid half price for the movie. It is not worth more than that.

This is NOT a family film. Adults and older teens only.

Out of five stars, this film is a two and half.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Movie Review - Space Warriors

Walden Media is back with a new film called Space Warriors. A young teen, whose parents are divorced, has but one dream, to go to space camp and into space. His parents tell him no. He devises a way to go anyway and learns all about himself and working with others. Meanwhile, the ISS has a collision with space debris and is in danger. The six astronauts are in danger and in need in help.

This movie is a great family film. It shows the value of science and how it can be used to help others for each character is a wiz at something ranging from launching rockets to running robots to flying. Each learns about themselves and how to function together as a team to save lives.

Out of five stars, this film rates a four and a half.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Movie Review : The Lost Medallion

Billy and Allie are best friends who set off to find the legendary Medallion. They find it by accident, Billy makes a wish, and they find themselves in the past battling the evil Warlord Cobra. Together with new found friends they battle to save the enslaved islanders and set right what once went wrong.

 The Lost Medallion is a wonderful combination of magic, time travel, action and adventure and even a hint of romance. It teaches a valuable lesson in an entertaining way.  Shot in Thailand the scenery is absolutely breath taking. This is a highly recommended family film which will appeal to children of all ages.

Alex Kendrik, actor and director of Fireproof, Flywheel, Facing the Giants and  Courageous, makes an surprise appearance.

Available at Walmart and local Christian stores.

 Out of five stars, this film is a four and half.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Movie Review - Courage

An interesting film, Courage, begins with the boat wreck of a family and shows their struggle with the father injured and his new wife trying to cope with being a mother to his teen-age daughter and surviving. Mixed in is a wild dangerous bear, those that are hunting it, and her mother trying to convince the authorities that something is wrong.

All in all, a well written movie with beautiful scenery. Most annoying is in the version the blogger has, they bleeped out the swear words to make it family friendly. It's quite disturbing to know something is being said but the censor took the words out. Also, the whole bear as the danger didn't quite work. There was enough going on it would have worked just as well without it.

This can be watched by the entire family who can learn about working together to accomplish a common goal.

Out of five stars, this film only rates three and half.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Movie Review : The Mark 2 - Redemption

Another fantastic film showing how Christian films are growing up is The Mark 2 - Redemption.

The story starts where the first film ended and shows our two heroes, the carrier of the experimental and successful chip that will be used by the Anti-Christ and the stewardess. Last we saw of them they had parachuted off the airplane and were drifting down onto Hong Kong where fires were burning and the streets in chaos.They're are chased by bad guys whose job it is to bring the hero back in - alive - so the great plan can commence. 

This film is gritty, with gun fights, complete with bloody wounds, slave rings, and takes place in Hong Kong. It isn't the usual cleaned up streets. Instead, it shows the city in all its honesty - a refreshing change. Even the scene when they find the slave girls shows the deplorable living conditions they are forced to endure.

Through out, there is the message of hope by salvation in Jesus Christ.

Out of five stars - this film is a four and half, suggested for older teens and adults.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Movie Review - God's Country

Treasure in the middle of the desert?

Meghan Doherty thinks she has found it , or so she thinks, when she arrives at a Christian camp in foreclosure. After all, who would turn down her firm's generous offer and allow the retreat to be closed so a casino and resort could be built. Right?

Instead, the leader invites her to stay six days and discover the value of what he is doing. If she doesn't, then the deal is off.

Meghan thinks she's going to win and agrees, putting up with having only the clothes on her back, a trailer to sleep in, and the biggest bugs she's ever seen.

Back in the city, her friends worry about her because no one can reach her, either by cell phone or computer.

Do the six days change or life? Or does she return to the city triumphantly closing the biggest deal of her life?

Three and half stars out of five. A great family film.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Movie Review - Me Again

In the tradition of It's a Wonderful Life, Family Man  and What If, a burnt out pastor about to lose his family, is transferred from person to person to learn a lesson about life and what is really important. Starring David A.R. White as Rich Chaplin, the film is humorous and serious, bringing about values and what true happiness really is.

Della Reese, Touched by an Angel, and Bruce McGill, as an angel, make appearances.

A great family film, the goldfish scene was completely unexpected, this film rates four out of five stars. 

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Movie Review - Ring the Bell

Ring the Bell shows Rob Decker, a successful and driven sports agent who goes to a small Florida town seeking to sign up a promising high school baseball player. He finds a possible secondary prospect but is stunned by their faith and the happiness of their lives - something his is missing.

The movie is beautifully done is filled with guest appearance by Matthew West, Casting Crowns, Steven Curtis Chapman and several well known baseball players. A couple of interesting side notes here, Steven wrote his own part and the segment in which Casting Crowns appears was not scripted. These tidbits are in the special features.

This is a great family film and out of five stars - I give it a four and half.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

TV Review - Defiance

While not actually a Christian Speculative program, Defiance shows much promise as a Science Fiction TV show. There are plenty of twists and turns, unexplained mysteries, and a hints of some type of spiritual background among the various alien races who live in the town.

The show starts with a human and an alien racing across the barren landscape in a type of car often seen in post apocalyptic movies. They stop to investigate an ark fall, uncovering a treasure which will help them 'get ahead' in their life. They run into vicious bikers, escape, injured but alive, and run into the lawkeeper from Defiance.

They're taken in, cared for and get involved with the locals, pretty much against their will. There's a murder, an attack by an army and in the end, the human male is offered the job of lawkeeper.

Best of all, there is plenty of undercurrents, like a family feud between two powerful families, two sisters, one of which if the mayor, the other the local bar keep - brothel owner, and a Romeo-Juliet romance.

It will be interesting to see if the writers manage to pull off a tight action packed series with all the interesting set up elements in tact.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Bible Miniseries - Part 4

While the blogger has not yet finished watching this segment, there are some nice things so far. The rising hatred of Jesus coming from the religious leaders and the growing love the people had for him.
Some of the spice is images of Pilate and how cruel he really was.

While several things are taken from the Bible much seems out of context and a very disappointing scene is the one with the adultress who is brought before Jesus. Unfortunately, what the western mind doesn't understand about this trap, is that Jesus knew full well that BOTH parties had to brought for judgement and stoned to death for the sin. He also didn't kneel down and begin writing in the dirt.

The scene with the fish and loaves was well done as was the raising of Lazarus from the grave. Again, there are some things lost on the western mind. Since they sometimes buried someone alive, they checked on the grave after three days to make certain the person was really dead. That is why it was important for the number of days Lazarus had been in the grave.

Also, Mary the sister of Martha is displayed prominently as a follower of Jesus traveling with him, yet the men and women traveled separately, so her being with them as she is, is completely wrong.

While the effort put into these is appreciated, the blogger wishes the writers, producers and directors had put some time and research into making certain cultural aspects clear and correct.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Movie Review : Matchmaker Mary

Matchmaker Mary is an adorable, although predictable, family movie. It centers around a young girl who gets a puppy and then plays matchmaker with two single people who take the other two pups. With their help, her aunt, and the man who runs the shelter, she helps her parents rediscover their love for each other.

This is a sweet film and was a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Not to mention the puppies were adorable.

*Due to schedule conflicts the blogger was unable to view the last two segments of 'The Bible'. They will be watched over the weekend and then reviewed.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Movie Review - Revelation Road

Released a couple of weeks ago, 'Revelation Road' is another fine example of Christian films growing up by being both entertaining and yet faith filled at the same time. While the bikers as the bad guys is cliche', the conflict between the leader and his unwanted daughter is tense and makes the viewer wonder what happened between them.

The story centers around a salesman selling bullet proof jackets who saves the life of a store owner and his granddaughter when the bikers attack and try to rob/murder them. It strands him in the town while he's trying to get home to his wife and child. The bikers go after him seeking revenge and just when all seems lost - the impossible happens.

What is very unique about this film is the different way the rapture was filmed. It definitely shows the mortal taking on immortality and what is left behind is NOT the expected empty clothes. Another sweet tidbit is the surprise appearance of an actor who saves the granddaughter and whispers God's plan to her. For those who know the actor from his work, there is no doubt exactly who he is protraying.

'Revelation Road' is the first in what is going to be a series. The blogger can't wait until it's released.

Next week 'The Bible Miniseries' will be continued. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Review - The Bible Miniseries Part 3

While the audience anticipated the continuation of the previous weeks story, instead of beginning with King Solomon, the story jumped ahead several hundred years. The prophet Jeremiah tells the current king that the city will fall to the Babylonian Ruler. Once again, the Jews are led into captivity and forced under the yoke of a foreign and pagan leader.

Once in Babylon, Daniel rises to power and interrupts the king's prophetic dream. The unfortunate part is that the entire dream was not covered, just the golden head. The audience got to see the familiar story of the three tossed into the inferno and rescued by an angel as well as Daniel in the lions den. It also showed how the king went insane.

In the end, they returned home. The best part of this segment was the beautiful customs. The worst part was the bloody violence, the killing of the Israelite king's sons and the hint of Jewish people eating each other during the siege.

Skip forward five hundred years to a small village in Galilee. Enter Mary and Joseph. While correctly shown they were each told by an angel about the events unfolding, incorrectly shown was 'where' they were informed.

The gross part of this segment was King Herod, particularly the leech scene, which could have been deleted and no one would have missed it.

Continue to the traditional birth scene with the shepherds, the three wise men and the huge star in the sky. Missed, the heavenly chorus in the fields.

Historically, and this has been proven, there were actually a number of planetary conjunctions and no huge bright star in the night sky. The Romans were very excited about it and thought it predicted their own current leader. Also, NO WHERE in the Bible does it say there were only three wise men. Three gifts, yes. It is more than likely, given the time, that there were a number of magi who traveled to see the new born king and huge caravan. Also, the Bible very clearly says Mary and Joseph were in a house. Not a stable.

Fast forward to John the Baptist. He's in the river and we have the famous scene depicted in the Bible. Missed, the dove descending and God saying, 'This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased.'

Forty days in the desert, the temptation by the devil, which was beautifully done. What is missed here by most, even when they read it, is that Jesus really did have a choice. He knew what would happen to him and he could have said, 'No way.' Instead, he rebukes the evil one and begins his ministry.

Next scene, in the boat with Peter fishing, with so many fish the poor fishermen doesn't know what to do. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Review : The Bible Miniseries - Part 2

Beginning with Joshua and the fall of Jerico and ending with the birth of King Solomon, the next segment of 'The Bible' is, once again a mixed bag.

The spies meeting and threatening Rahab and her family, then offering to spare them from the coming attack, did not in any way ring true with Biblical events. In fact, an old Science Fiction TV show called 'The Time Tunnel' showed the same incident much better. The best part of the snippet was the blowing of the horns, the mighty shouts and the crumbling of the walls.

Next up was the story of Samson. It had a lovely beginning but quickly went down hill. Showing him married to a Philistine woman and then having her killed as motivation for killing Israel's enemies, did not ring true. This was a bloody and violent segment. At the end, what happened was true, with Samson knocking down the pillars and killing thousands, but 'when' it occurred was incorrectly shown. He was their prisoner for several years and his hair had begun to grow back. It did not happen just after they captured him.

Entire Samuel and the people demanding a king. The prophet anoints King Saul who disobeys God's command to slay everyone and everything belonging to the enemy. The leader looses God's favor and David is anointed to be the next king. While the jealousy part rings true and chasing David through the hills and caves, some of the incidents shown are not any where in the Bible. Saul is killed in battle and David becomes king.

Oh, and the most famous scene with David and Goliath is included as is the King dancing through the streets when they bring the arc into the city. Him dancing with Bathsheba however, is not shown in the Bible.

David takes Jerusalem and the part where they go through the sewers is marvelous. It becomes his capital. What did not ring true was his friendship with Uriah, whose wife, Bathsheba, David later takes as his lover and then his wife, after he kills the soldier. It shows the low moment for the king and the best part was his pleading before God to spare the life of his child.

It ends with the David and Bathsheba and their young son Solomon, whom David knows will build the temple of God.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Review : The Bible Miniseries - Part 1

It was with great anticipation that I watched the first installment of The Bible on the History Channel. The story of Adam & Eve and Noah were briefly touched upon. The scenes with the ark plunging through the waves was impressive. Abraham, Sarah and the angle with Hagar was covered in great depth, the near sacrifice of Issac, the emphasis being on the promise of Abram's descendents being numerous as the stars. Sodom's fiery destruction was well done and so was the scene with the two battling angels. It was an unexpected bit of spice, complete with armor and swords with one black angel and one Oriental.

Next up was the story of Moses and his rivalry with the Egyptian pharaoh. The burning bush was impressive but I found it disappointing they made no mention of Moses' wife. Up next was the ten plagues, hurried through and the final release of God's people after the death of the ruler's first born. Stopping at the edge of the Red Sea, the army in pursuit, the parting of the waters was impressive. However, I questions the fact they got wet at all since the Bible says they cross on dry land and there was tons of spray in the air. On the other side, the waters drowned their captor's army and pharaoh was left beaten.

The story left off with the passing of power to Joshua and the two spies sneaking into Jericho and the introduction of Rahab.

Although not the way I personally would have presented the stories, this version is a wonderful attempt to make the Bible available to the masses and I praise the producers, Roma Downey and her husband.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Movie Review - Mighty Macs

Mighty Macs is about Cathy Rush, a woman who takes a job as a basketball coach when the goals of most women was getting married, becoming a housewife and mother. Inspired by a true story it shows the struggles of a program with no finances to support the team and girls who think playing sports is 'unladylike'. Their coach pushes them and beyond all the odds, they make it to playoffs.

This is a great film about those early days when professional women working was unheard of and basketball playoffs for college women not common. It is an inspiring film for all and a reminder of how far women really have come.

Four and half stars out of five. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Movie Review - No Greater Love

No Greater Love is a wonderful movie about forgiveness and the kindling of love between a married couple who had been apart for ten years. The wife, who had left, reappeared in the life of her husband and son through a church children's camp. Most of the film is about their reconciliation and how they decided to become a couple again, not just for their son's sake, but for theirs as well.

This film shows the power of forgiveness and how following God's will for one's life can cause one to follow a path not expected, yet for the best.

An absolute must see for anyone who enjoyed Fireproof.

Rate it about four stars out of five.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Instruments and Dance

There are congregations who think that using instruments or dancing in church should not be done. However, the Bible itself encourages the use of both. For instance, in Psalms150: 4 -5 it says,
Praise him with timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.

These are not the only verses that encourage both the use of instruments and dance.

King David himself danced in public. 2 Samuel 6:14. And David danced before the Lord with all his might; and David was was girded with a linen ephod. (a priest's upper garment.)

The verses go on to say that his wife Michal, the daughter of Saul, despised David's behavior. She confronted her husband saying how shameful his behavior was. He reminded her it was before the Lord and that he would be honored. Her punishment, she never had a child. In those days, it meant God didn't bless her union with her husband and that truly, was something to be ashamed of.

So it seems the Bible and God encourages to worship both using instruments and dancing before Him.

I wonder where the erroneous teachings are coming from?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

God's Not Dead

 After midnight and I'm racking my brain to figure out what to write. I'd like to express some great words of wisdom or comfort, yet all that is echoing in my mind is the chorus from 'God's Not Dead'.

God's not Dead
He's surely alive
He's living on the inside
roaring like a lion.

Maybe sometimes it's the simplicity that we need.

God's not Dead.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Storms of Life

Most of us know 'FootPrints'. A man has a dream and looks back at his life, sometimes seeing two sets of prints and sometimes only one. Disturbed, he asks the  Lord about it wondering why, during the hardest times of his life, he sees only one set.

The Lord replies, "My precious, precious child. I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering,why you see only one set of footprints, it was then I carried you."

Odd that even today, we tend to forget that God NEVER, EVER forsakes us. It isn't He who leave us rather we who ignore him.

Remember in the hard times, or the storms of life, moan and wail around us, that God walks with us through it. He doesn't abandon us and leave us to flounder and drown.

Jesus didn't allow Peter to drown to he walked on the water. Instead, he put out a hand and pulled his disciple to safety.

God will do the same for us. Don't EVER take your eyes off Him!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Movie Review : The Book of Eli

The Book of Eli is an unexpected surprise and a wonderful example of a Christian Speculative film. Although violent in places and one would expect such in a post apocalyptic film, the final scenes and the unexpected twist at the end make this a must see movie.

It focuses on the journey of Eli, a traveler who has been walking west for the past thirty years. He did so at the urging of a voice in his head. He stumbles upon a town run by a mafia type leader who tries to take the 'book' from the hero. What ensues is gaining a new travel companion, a long chase, explosions and gun battles.In the end he reaches his destination, and in the interest of keeping the end a surprise, a powerful message.

On another note, this blogger has just recently learned of Denzil Washington's faith and was pleasantly surprised he was one of the producers of the movie.

I would give this film four stars out of five.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Aliens waiting to hear about Salvation?

In light of last week's topic, All Other Creatures, which tells us as believers to preach the word of God to all other creatures, meaning anything God made, I am now addressing the issue of whether or not there might be aliens on other worlds or even beings on our own planet who need to hear the about salvation.

Granted, the argument has been given that humans alone were created. After all, it says in Genesis we were made in God's image. Yet, what is God really? He is love. He is spirit. Two things easily transformed into other beings or shapes or creations.

Yes, Jesus is the only begotten son. But who is to say that God did not make other beings elsewhere who, even now, wait to hear the good news that will be brought by us, when or if, we ever manage to leave our cradle and launch out into the stars.

I didn't think it a crazy idea. In fact, in my book God's Gift, which is on my publisher's 'to do' list and will be released sometime in the near future, addresses this very question. 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

All Other Creatures

Romans 8: 39 KJV Nor height, or depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Mark 16: 15 KJV And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Hebrews 4:13 KJV Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

These three verses are examples of an odd word - creature. What exactly does this mean? The Greek word is ktisis. It means: A making, thing made, formation, (literal or figurative) building, creation, creature, ordinance.

So what is God saying here when the word creature is used?

In Romans in the previous verses, it talks of what can't separate us from God. Literally it says devils spirits, those in power over us, life, death, angels, present nor future, and yet it specifically also adds creatures. What other creatures is Paul writing about that God felt was so important we, as believers, needed to know that?

In Mark, Jesus is telling his followers to preach the word of God to all Creatures.

In Hebrews God sees all creatures.

So what other creations has God made that we are supposed not to be afraid of and preach His word to?

An interesting mystery. Any thoughts?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Movie Review : Escape

Another great example of crossing the Christian with the secular exists in the film 'Escape'. Shot in Thailand with beautiful scenery and an amazing soundtrack, the opening scene could have been from any large budget film. It rapidly moves on to the introduction of a couple grieving the loss of their child and a major life change to practice medicine in another country.

The husband is kidnapped by traffickers and the only reason he's allowed to live is to keep their leader alive. He meets a fellow prisoner whose inspiration and faith keeps him alive. Anyone who remembers the scenes in a Firefly episode when Mal and Wash are captured and tortured will love the bond that develops.

There is action, romance, and just about anything anyone could want in this film.

I rate this file a five and an absolute MUST SEE!