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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

End Dayers Theorists

This week's guest on Sid Roth is yet another 'End Days' theorist. His speculations are similar to the UFO chasers and their theories that Area 51 is being used to test alien technology. Some of the early pictures in magazines that are no longer printed actually showed pictures of the bomber that won the first Gulf war, yet they swore it was an alien spacecraft.

Unfortunately, it seems the Christian world must also have its conspiracy theorists and all of it falls under 'end days' prophecy. The odd thing is, even in Paul's day, they thought they lived in the end times. It is all through the New Testament writings.

Unfortunately, there have been too many guests on Sid Roth spouting pretty much the same things. World bankers will, by 2018, have introduced a one world currency. The US was founded on pagan not Biblical principles. The Free Masons were all part of it and intended to build a New Atlantis.
These ideas are all similar to the teachings of Edgar Cayce (sp), an occult leader of many years back and deserve about as much credibility. 

The Bible clearly says we do not the day or the time. Only to redeem the days for they are evil.

Not to mention that each of these so called 'experts' keep quoting, in the days of Noah...yet they never actually complete the entire verse. They go off on these wild goose chasers claiming that there will be human/animal half breeds or that UFOs will land, filled with demons, and interbreed with the human race.

However, the rest of the verse simply says that as in the days of Noah, life will pretty much be normal with people marrying like they do all the time.

Sorry, but these speculations are wild fantasy and deserve about as much credit as those folks who chase ghosts or UFOs, which don't actually exist either.

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