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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Unconditional Love

Christmas in Conway is an excellent example of unconditional love given by a man to a woman. The story is set in a small town. A woman comes home from the hospital into the care of a hospice nurse. Her husband has a hard time dealing with both a stranger in the house and the looming death of his wife.

His wife makes a comment about the night he proposed. They were on a ferris wheel. Thus begins the search for a ferris wheel to give his wife a second wonderful memory of what was the best day of his life.

There are struggles, a neighbor who complains he's destroying the beauty of their historic neighborhood. The owner of the junk yard who runs him off more than once before agreeing to the sale of the old ferris wheel. A selfless sacrifice of a brand new motor home in trade.

Forgiving a young man who stole something very precious from him and ends up helping completing the task to bless the husband's wife.

This film gives a wonderful example of how a man should love woman, in the worst possible set of circumstances. A lovely example for any man who watches it.

So, find a copy today. Pop the popcorn and sit down together to watch this wonderful movie.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Good Question

Why is modern Christiandom,on the average, like the 400 years of spiritual darkness that fell on Israel before John the Baptist and the birth of Christ?

Why do modern theologians, the ones who teach the leaders of the church, tell them myths like, tongues was only for the early church to spread the gospel, instead of telling them truthfully it's for us today as well?

Why are many of the 'religious' programs on TV only begging for money instead of ministering to people?

All very good questions.

Any one have any good answers?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


Foregiveness. One of the hardest things to do in a culture who teaches to blame others, hold a grudge, get revenge...

Yet it is necessary for the cleansing of our soul and allow us to move past the hurt to whatever good thing God has in store for us.

It isn't an easy process. Yet we can't allow the hurt and pain to fester. We certainly can't allow it to leave a destructive scar from which we never recover. Such things cloud our mind and affect the way we view the world, and most importantly, other people.

Yes, we are wronged. Forgiving the other person is NOT saying, what they did was right. It is releasing our pain and hurt and moving on with our lives.

So, whatever pain, hurt or bad thing has happened, know that is is possible to forgive, heal and move on with God's plan for your life. It won't be easy. It won't happen overnight. In the end, it will be the best thing you can do for yourself.

Remember, God forgives your sins and then forgets them after you tell him you're sorry.

We can do no less for others who do the same to us.