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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Trusting God

Trusting God can be a hard thing when faced with so many troubles at the same time. My own personal struggle right now includes:

My spouse left me and wants a divorce.
My writing career is in the dumps this year.
I lost my job.
I'm facing loosing my home of fifteen years because it has to be sold and the profits split.
The cost of housing is ridiculous.
I don't want to rent an apartment nor live with several room mates. (I want to own my place.)
Living wage jobs are hard to find.
It's coming up on the holidays and finding work during this time of year is extremely difficult.
I'm terrified about having to be on my own again after knowing the security of being with a mate. 
I have no idea what I'm going to do about medical coverage and whether or not I can actually afford it.
I'm getting older and the only jobs employers will normally hire for are low paying service positions or sales.

Yet the Bible promises that God will take care of our needs. I learned this during my many years of being single. He never failed me. I always had a job even if it wasn't the best.

So, here I am, back to square one and having to trust God to supply what I need.
A job.
A home.
And whatever else I need.

Okay, God. You're on!

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