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Wednesday, April 30, 2014

You are His

Is your relationship with God intimate? Is He the first person you think of and speak to in the morning and your last thought and goodnight?

Do you take Him with you throughout your day? Does He stand beside you while you put dishes in the dishwasher? Is He ever present at work? Do you release your Children and Spouse to him when they're away from you? Or even while they're with you?

Do you trust Him to the point that no matter what happens, you know He's going to catch you?

Beloved, He holds you in the palm of His hand. You are precious and wonderful to Him. His love for you is everlasting and He longs for the time you will be Him forever and forever.

And when that time comes...will you run and throw yourself in his arms? Or slink away in shame because your life did not glorify Him or you think you're not worthy?

Child, there will be dancing in heaven before His throne and a feast such as we have never seen.

He chose you, before the foundation of the world. He knew you would be His and believe in His son, Jesus Christ.

You are His. Rejoice. Dance. Enjoy.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter - Christian or Pagan?

The debate rages. Is Easter a Christian Holiday or a Pagan one?

What's your opinion?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Surprise Avenues

Be careful what you pray for. You never know what doors God will open up and often, they'll surprise you.

As humans, we tend to think along traditional avenues when trying to solve a problem. God, on the other hand, will take his children off the beaten path, and provide in a way one might not often think of. It puzzles the world, and amazes His followers.

Great example, The Hiding Place. Both a book and a film, it shows how God took care of His children in one of the worst and darkest times of human history.

Best quote from it: There is no pit that is so deep, that God is not deeper still.

So don't look at adversity and dark times in your life as 'God has deserted me'. Instead, hold onto your heavenly father's hand and trust Him to be with and lead you through them.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Is today your last?

Who do you live for every day?



Do you live every day as if it's your last?

It could be.

All it takes is one inattentive driver having a bad day and Bam!

Are still things you'd like to accomplish for God's glory?

Then do it!

Don't wait!!!!


Every day is a gift.

Live it to the fullest.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Taken by Surprise

God has an odd sense of timing. I'm standing in the middle of Artist Alley during AnomalyCon and He drops both a vision and an update about what my future holds. He startled me and I blurted something, in the presence of other people that went along the lines of , will you stop telling me things, etc. Later, I apologized.

I like that God tells me things. It's just that my heavenly Father has an odd sense of timing. Or maybe He just knows that is when I'll be listening. Or maybe, in that instance, it was a witness to someone else with what is possible when you believe in God.

No, I won't share the message. Not yet. But I know what is coming and I couldn't be more excited!