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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why Not Question - Suggested Resouces

I use several reference books to study the Bible. Why? Because the English words used are not always accurate and differ greatly from the original Greek or Hebrew. Plus, our understanding of the Bible will deepen if we understand the customs of the day and have a background of history. The latter, I'll admit, I don't have as much of as I'd like. I'll throw in that as an English major, I'm quite adept at tearing passages apart to discover the deeper and truer meaning. I had many high school teachers and college professors who taught me how.

Below, is a list of books I own to help me discover the buried truths of the Bible. I haven't used all of them, but I do have them for reference. I don't suggest running out buying every one that I have. As a student, it is up to you to decide which books MIGHT prove to be useful or find others which may be more helpful to you.

The Books I have:

Young's Analytical Concordance to the Bible
Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary
The New Strong's Complete Dictionary of Bible Words
Number in Scripture by E.W. Bullinger
A Dictionary of Bible Types by Walter L. Wilson
Nelson's Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Bible Ed. By John Drake
Figures of Speech used in the Bible by E.W. Bullinger
Jesus Christ Our Promised Seed by V.P. Wierwille
The Witness of the Stars by E.W. Bullinger
(Special note here: There is a gentlemen who has a presentation on the same information in the last books. I've seen it on TBN. He also talks about the Star seen by the Magi and followed to see the Christ Child.)
Almanac of Bible Facts: People, Places and Events in the Bible
The Dead Sea Scrolls: A new translation, trans & commented on  by Michael Wise, Martin Abegg, Jr. & Edward Cook
Manners and Customs of the Bible by James M. Freeman
The Orientalisms of the Bible by Bishop K.C. Pillai
Light through an eastern window by Bishop K.C. Pillai
Strange Scriptures that perplex the Western Mind by Barbara M. Bowen
Mysteries & Intrigues of the Bible: Extraordinary Events and Fascinating People ed. by Jonathan A. Michaels

There information in these books is varied and by no means comprehensive. They were only my starting point.

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