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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why Not Question: Wiseman and the Star at Christ's birth : Tradition or fact?

There are several things good things about the movie 'The Nativity Story'. One of them is the giving the 'western mind' a better understanding from a cultural standpoint, why Mary's life was in danger because she was pregnant BEFORE she and Joseph were married. Also her visit to her cousin Elizabeth. Something usually left out from pageants and other films.

What is not to like about the film, is the continued support of a couple of traditions that have no historical or Biblical fact.

What are those?

First off, the big bright star in the sky. Experts agree this is not what happened.

In 'The Witness of the Stars' by E.W. Bullinger and the 'The Star' a special presented during the Christmas season on TBN, it is put forth and supported by 'turning back the astronomical sky', that a series of planetary/constellation conjunctions occurred. Something the Magi, who were both astronomers and astrologers would have noticed. They knew, because Daniel and others had been captives in their land and had been told the stories, which must have been passed down, about the coming Christ child God promised to send.

When the Magi reached Herod's palace, the ruler had to have the religious leaders do research to find out what his visitors were talking about. A huge bright star in the sky would have been very easy to spot and no doubt Herod would have acted then and there knowing something was up. The man was clueless.

There's more here historically, but watching 'The Star' will explain several things that will not be covered in the this blog.

Second, the wise men were not at the stable during Christ's birth nor were there just three of them.

The tradition of three no doubt comes from the three gifts given Jesus. The Bible says Magi but does not give any indication on how many there actually were.

The Bible also says the Magi visited Mary and Joseph in a house - not a stable. Therefore, their visit happened sometime after the birth of Christ, and given Herod ordered the killing of all male babies two and under, their visit occurred within one to two years after Jesus' birth.

Though the pretty picture at the end of the film follows TRADITON - Mary and Joseph at the stable, Jesus in the manager, the shepherds, the animals, the wisemen, and the big bright star - it is not all accurate according to Biblical, historical or astronomical records.

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