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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Why Not Question - Christian Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films?

Science Fiction is very frightening in Christian circles. Oh, they know there's a huge market for it, but most are afraid to touch it either in book or film forms. Yet, both the works of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, the fathers of Christian Speculative fiction, have been adapted to film.

Let's talk about 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. In the scene where Susan and Lucy watch as the witch torments and then kills Aslan, the viewer gets a hint of what if was like for Christ when he was mocked, beaten, had a thorn crown thrust upon his head, and then was forced to carry his own cross to be crucified on. Aslan is shaved, bound, and made fun of by the creatures who follow the White Witch.

Also, if one really examines the image shown, more deep truths present themselves - Christ's death was one of the biggest devil spirit parties in history. They thought they had won. They defeated God's plan - just like the White Witch thought she had, until Aslan returned restored - just as Christ did.

And, when watching the marriage scene in the extended version of 'Return of the King', the scene drips with symbolism. In it can be seen the wedding ceremony of Christ and his bride, the blooming tree of Life and many more than can be named.

So, is Science Fiction and Fantasy in Christian form really that frightening? Not when you see the path paved by the two who came before. Interesting part, the Lord of Rings trilogy was done by fan who might not even be a Christian, yet the director caught the true intent of the writer.

Recommended Christian Fantasy:
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspain
Journey of the Dawn Trader (blogger has not yet seen the film)

The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - either original theater release or extended versions.

Invisible Enemies - a pair of glasses allows a young man to see the demons all around us.

Science Fiction:
Unidentified - Two journalists, one Christian, one not, investigate reports on UFO's.
Time Changer - Time travel adventure. A bit preachy but interesting.

NOTE: Keep an eye on Christian Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror writers. God is opening doors big time for publication, both through Christian and secular houses.

Christian small press publishers : Marcher Lord Press & Splash Down Books plus a few others.

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