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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Why Not Question - What is the Behemoth in Job?

Job 40:15 KJV Behold now behemoth (a large beast), which I made (bring forth, to do) with thee; he eateth grass (grass, hay, herb, leek) as an ox.

There is much speculation as to what the behemoth is in this verse. The more conservative say it is an elephant or hippopotamus. Others say a crocodile. There has even been those who say it is a dinosaur.

However, when the entire description is put together, another beast rises that has not even been considered. In Job 40:15-18 & 41:14-31 there is more description of this creature.

Strength is in the loins and navel of the belly - moves the tail like a cedar - which is a very big tree - sinews of his stones are wrapped together - bones strong as brass - bones like bars of iron

scales shut up together with a close seal - teeth are terrible - big eyes-
burning lamps come out of his mouth - sparks of fire leap out - does this sound like an elephant or hippo? out of the nostrils comes smoke like a seething pot or kettle - breath kindles flame - and flame comes out of his mouth - now what creature in mythology does this?

flakes of his flesh is joined together - heart firm as stone - when he raises up the mighty are afraid - sword against him can't hold - nor any other weapon - they're easily broken - makes the water boil -

And in verse 33 - Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear.

Hmmm, putting together all the pieces suggests that the behemoth of Job is actually a Sea Serpent or Dragon. Which raises another question particularly the fear those of the Middle Ages had of the beasts - were they actually once real and hunted to extinction?

The verses in Job seem to suggest that the creatures actually existed.

Side note - in a documentary there is mention of a writing from someone during the middle ages who gave such an in depth description of the anatomy of a dragon that the person must have had an actual carcass to study.

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