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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

'Why Not Question' - The Changing Church

The Internet, TV and the rush-rush of daily life has changed what 'Church' is today. Most of the more conservative or traditionalists still think of it as gathering in a particular building with other people on Sunday morning and/or evening and Wednesday Bible studies. Not to mention belonging to a certain denomination.

Nowadays however, several factors have changed that concept.

First, TV. Now those who are shut in or who have limited time and can't spend all Sunday morning in one spot, can watch the TV pastor of their choice for maybe thirty minutes or an hour and then move on to other things. Or, if they have time on Thursday evening, or Tuesday, they don't have to wait until Sunday. Church in this manner also allows for different types of teachers so they don't get convinced that only one thought pattern or belief system is the right one.

Second, the Internet. There are numerous sites where Christians can network together and have a 'church' of online believers. Also, many churches are starting to live stream their services so that a member does not have to leave their home to attend. This is a very handy in the event the roads are slick or it's snowing or illness.

Third, there are others who have gotten over the idea that a church building is necessary. Instead of expecting people to come to them, they go to the people and have services in office buildings during lunch breaks, on the street, or in homes. This is a return to the original concept of what was going on in the First Century church when believers met daily and in homes.

Each of these new methods,and the above list is by no means exhaustive, shows progressive thinking and a willingness to move out of traditional ideas into a new century where people have limited time and want more from their church than the same old - same old.


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