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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

'Why Not Question' - What Christians could learn from the Science Fiction Community

There is a great deal Christians could learn from the Science Fiction community. Yikes! Christians fleeing in many directions of the mere mention of Science Fiction.
Ahhh! Save us from that unGodly thinking.

Oh, come on now. There are Science Fiction fans in many churches. It just isn't talked about because of this very reaction. Why set one's self up for condemnation?

However, the original comment stands. There is much Christians could learn from this tight knit and very open community.

What you ask? What could unbelievers possibly teach us?

Ever been to a Science Fiction convention? Answer is probably no, but please, bear with the blogger.

To begin with a convention, or con as it's normally called, is a huge family reunion. Most in these circles, and there are many sub genres, only see each other once maybe twice a year. It is a time to catch up on each others lives, the things one wouldn't post on Facebook, go out to eat together, see out of town friends, and engage in activities mutually enjoyed, example, gaming, filking,(SF folk singing), talking with authors or artists, viewing art, buying new stuff in the dealer's room, hanging out in the Con suite where free food is served, making new friends because everyone there is attending for the same reason and have a common interest, not to mention all the hugs exchanged. They're family.

Unfortunately, in many churches, people do not feel so welcomed. Yes, there are small groups as in the SF circles. Yes, everyone attending church has the same reason for being there and a common interest.

But today, everyone in church seems to be so busy they don't get involved in each others lives. They rush in for the service and rush out, maybe saying a quick 'Hi', before leaving to get the family home, fed and in front of the TV for the football game or to get the homework completed.

Rarely do Christians seem to take the time to get to know each other, hang out, talk, go eat together, or do anything that is common during a Con.

After all, Christians are all part of God's family yet seem to treat each other as perfect strangers and content to stay the way. No, it's not way in every church, but in the larger ones, it's the norm. One can go to church, sit in a pew, be preached at and leave, without ever speaking to anyone else.

This is unfortunate and part of what is wrong with churches/Christians today. How can a secular group have it so right and God's people so wrong?

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