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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Buttons and Sayings : Part 2

Continuing this months theme of just fun are more buttons and sayings owned by the blogger.

Dr. Who
1. Want a Jelly Baby?
2. Doctor Who Fan Club of America
3. The Friends of Doctor Who
4. Have T.A.R.D.I.S. Will Travel
5. Cybermats, why does it have to be Cybermats.
6. I feel absolutely lost without my Sonic Screwdriver.
7. Renegade TimeLord.
8. Little boy, I don't care if your dog can talk. Please tell him this is a T.A.R.D.I.S. not a way-back machine.

Quantum Leap
1. Oh, Boy!
2. Things went a little caca.
3. God I wish he was here so I could kick his butt!
4. It's just a musical.
5. She could tickle my ivories anytime.
6. You were an actor?! Don't say it like it was a disease.
7. Maybe you just have a thing for piano players.
8. To dream the impossible dream. To Fight the unbeatable foe.

Star Trek
1. Space. The Final Frontier.
2. I love my Enterprise.
3. Beam me up, Scotty.
4. Beam me up, Scotty, the elevators are full.
5. UFP. (And a lovely copy of the flag/symbol)
6. There are few problems in the galaxy that cannot be solved by a suitable application of concentrated phaser-fire.
7. Star Fleet Security ID. Division: Command. Computer Bio-Scan Data. 

X Files
1. FBI Special Agent Fxo Mulder
2. FBi Special Agent Dana Scully
3. Spooky
4. You have a friend at the FBI.
5. The X Files
6. I Believe
7. The guy in the ugly suit is probably CIA.

Credit given to the various studios and vendors these buttons were bought from.

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